Posts Masonry

Top listing blocks and reviews

Top listing blocks and reviews

Sometimes you need to compare courses, this block can help you to do this. You can also build top listings, top reviews, pros and cons blocks and much much more with bundled Gutencon extension in ...

Step list block

Step list block

Theme has a lot of ready Gutenberg blocks which can be used for Learning sites. Here is another helpful block - Itinerary. It's made for booking sites, but you can use it also for making Course ...

How to blocks

How to blocks

Learning sites have some important blocks which you need to format content. How to blocks and FAQ blocks can give you some blocks for this. Both have also SEO schema to get better positions in ...

God of war 4 Review

God of war 4 Review

Some of the best films of all time are those whose different strengths all work in concert to create a unified, engrossing whole. The Shining, The Social Network, and Jaws are all excellent ...

The Witcher 3 review

The Witcher 3 review

For role-playing game fans it's only once in a blue moon a title comes along that's so engrossing you'll willingly surrender not just a little bit of time to play it, but days and weeks of your ...

Little Nightmares 2 review

Little Nightmares 2 review

The most important moments in any horror game are in between the screams — the quiet stillness when a monster isn’t chasing you yet, but you know they will be soon. It’s in those small moments ... Multi Mercado Digital
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